Chief Electoral Officer 

CEO Large_Intelivote

The Chief Electoral Officers (CEO) module delivers important election information in a full range of reports and query capability to those authorized individuals who are responsible for the administration and execution of the election. The CEO module affords these election officials a quick and secure tool that allows the CEO to observe their election and monitor numerous portions of the event as it is proceeding.  Intelivote’s election management modules allow authorized election officials access to a variety of election and voter information during the complete election timeline.  Participation rates and advanced voting participation statistics are easily accessible allowing detail reporting on a scheduled or ad-hoc basis.

A CEO will get a detailed breakdown of electors’ method of access by channel: web, phone or manual vote at the polling stations and drill down to statistics on individual races viewing total ballots cast and/or voter participation.  Dynamically view elections details on participation rates of all eligible voters or voters by ward/district or polling region. Monitor PIN statistics in respect to the status of issued or disabled either by race or by district/ward. They also have the ability to monitor PIN statistics to see how many PINs have been issued or disabled.  All of this information is available by race and/or district or ward.  The CEO has access to many of the same statistics and reporting capabilities that the auditor does allowing them to keep up to date on important election metrics.

As with all the security equipped modules in the system, the CEO module can only be used on systems setup with pre-authorized digital certificates, and activated by users who have been authorized with login id’s and passwords.