Returning Officer


Although the Returning Officer (election official) has many responsibilities in the management of an election, the RO module specifically addresses their ability to authorize manual (paper) voting.  Security access to the RO module is controlled through the use of an assigned digital certificate, user IDs and passwords, and with an access code specific to the election.

Authorizing manual voting is a simple process which begins with looking up an elector by name, by address or by PIN and determining if they have already participated in the election, either electronically using eVoting, or by paper perhaps at a different location. 

If the elector has not already participated the RO can change the PIN to a 'Manual' status and check to determine the appropriate paper ballot to provide to the voter. The RO can easily determine if the voter has already participated, and if they have, changes to their PIN status will not be permitted by the system, clearly indicating to the RO that the voter is not eligible to vote manually. 

The ROs can also provide an electronic Kiosk computer or telephone at the polling locations to offer eVoting at a convenient location. In this case, at the close of the election the Intelivote system provides for the ability to keep the voting Kiosks available only to those voters eligible to vote and already inside the polling location at the scheduled close time. These voters can still complete their voting activity electronically; however electronic voting is no longer available to the general public outside of the polling location.